The name of the organization is the MAD. HILL RIDERS ATV CLUB INC. The address is P.O. BOX 46, Erieville N.Y. 13061-0046. It is composed of ATV enthusiasts who have desired to join together in forming this club, agreeing to abide by the by-laws and safety codes.


  The "Articles of Organization and Safety Code" comprise these by-laws, as from time originated till time amended. In the event of any conflict, these by-laws shall govern. The club (or its officers) will not be responsible for the injury or damage to persons property of its members or guests. In the event of dissolution of the organization, its assets shall be distributed equally among members.


1. I will be a good sportsman. I recognize that people judge all ATV owners by my actions. I will use my   influence with other ATV owners to promote sportsman like conducts.
2. I will not litter trails or camping areas. I will not pollute streams or lakes.

3. I will not damage living trees, shrubs, or other natural features.

4. I will respect other peoples rights and property.

5. I will lend a hand when I see someone in distress.

6. I will not interfere with or harass hunters, skiers, or other sportsman. I will respect their rights to enjoy  their recreational activities,

7. I will know and obey all federal, state, and local rules regulating the operation of ATVs in the areas where I use my vehicle.

8. I will not harass wildlife. I will avoid areas posted for the protection or feeding of wildlife.

9. I will stay on marked roads open to ATVs.

10. All ATVs must be registered and have proof of current insurance.. You must have proof of this with each ATV

11 All riders must wear a helmet.
12. The club will assume no personal liability and does not encourage riding double.


1. The organization shall work for the betterment of the state and federal laws concerning ATVs and their use, restrictions, and registration.

2. The organization shall cooperate with others in education, training in the use of and operation of ATVs and the laws governing their use.


1. The application for membership must be signed by the member in good standing.

2. Membership dues shall be $20.00 per individual per year. Family (Immediate Family) and domestic partners (Limited to 4 ATVs) will be $30.00 per year. Business memberships are $60.00 which includes one family membership and advertising in the newsletter for one year. The year will be from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Each membership cardholder is entitled to one vote. To vote at the annual meeting, dues must be paid before the April meeting is called to order.

3. Members changing their address shall notify the secretary.

4. Members will be limited, if necessary.

5. Membership in this organization shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, sex, or national origin.6. Active members in good standings of this organization shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.
7. any guest who causes trouble will never be allowed at meetings or on the club property again, upon review of circumstances by the Board of Directors.
8. Guest will be restricted to three activities in one year before being asked to join.
9. A member becomes active upon acceptance of application at a regular meeting.
10. No officer or member shall be personally liable for any bills or obligations of the club, past or present, except for his/her own dues or fees.
11. No officer or member shall involve the club in any financial obligation or contract without full consent  of the officers and members of the club.


Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such an office.


1. President shall preside at all meetings of the organization: he/she shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or assigned to him/her by the members of the club and coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the objects may be promoted. He/She shall appoint all committee chairman.

2. The vise president shall act aside the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the officer to act.

3. The secretary shall record the minutes of all the meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her.

4. The treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the organization and shall keep a full accurate account of receipts and expenditures: and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget as authorized. The treasurer shall present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times if requested by the Board of Directors and shall make a full report at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of such books or account and records. The treasurer's accounts will be examined annually in April by an auditing committee of not less than three members (non-officers), who, satisfied that the treasurer's report is correct, shall sign a statement of the fact at the end of the report. All checks must be signed by the treasurer and the president.

5. The club members who are present have the final say on all major financial decisions. The calendar of events should be decided on or before the first club meeting.


1. The officers of this organization shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and Board of Directors.

2. All officers shall be elected by a ballot every year in the month of April, a nominating committee is to be appointed in March ( a chairman must be designated by the president). If there is one nominee for any office, it shall be in the order that the secretary cast the elected ballot of the organization for the nominee.

3.Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the annual meeting in April and shall serve for a term of one year and until the election and qualifications of their successors.

4.The Board of Directors shall consist of six members and the president with all the Directors having staggered three year terms.

5. To be a nominated for any office the member must be a current member in good standings.

5. Membership in this organization shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, sex, or national origin.

6. Active members in good standings of this organization shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.

7. any guest who causes trouble will never be allowed at meetings or on the club property again, upon review of circumstances by the Board of Directors.

8. Guest will be restricted to three activities in one year before being asked to join.

9. A member becomes active upon acceptance of application at a regular meeting.

10. No officer or member shall be personally liable for any bills or obligations of the club, past or present, except for his/her own dues or fees.

11. No officer or member shall involve the club in any financial obligation or contract without full consent  of the officers and members of the club.


1. Charges of misconduct against any member may be referred in writing to the Board of Directors and the accused may be suspended pending an investigation. The accused shall have the right to appear. Then the Board of Directors deem the charges well found, they may report in writing and should recommend suspension or expulsion. Upon the filing of this report with the secretary, a meeting of the organization is called to take actionthereon. The accused shall be notified by mail and then shall have the right to be heard at such meeting, but shall not be present when the ballot is taken. No member shall be expelled or suspended except by 2/3 vote of all the members present and voting thereon at such meeting.

2. Any member flagrantly violating their by-laws a second time will be permanently expelled by the Board of Directors and notice will be given to such member by the sectetary within 10 days from the time such actionwas taken. The certified mailing of this notice to the members last known address will deem sufficient notice.

3. Any member expelled for the Violation of Article 8 will be reported in writing by the secertary to the Village and Town Boards.


1. The president (or vice predident) shall call the meeting to order at the appointed time. Once the meeting has been called to order, there shall be no individual discussions by a group of  members unless the presiding officer declares a temporary adjornment for this purpose.

2. Order of business for the club meetings which will be held at noon on the second Sunday of the month, Oct. thru April, and at 7 PM  on the first Thursday of the month, May thru Sept., unless otherwise stated.
          *Call the meeting to order
          *Read minutes of last meeting
          *Treasurers report
          *Acceptance of new members
          * Officers report
          * Reading of communications
          * Report of special committees
          * Unfinished business
          * Reports of standing or permanent committees
          * New business
          * Adjournment

3. The annual meeting will be held in April

4. Six members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in the meeting of the club.


1. The president may create such standing committee as he/she may deem necessary to promote the objects and carry on the work of the club. The terms of each chairman shall be one year and until the appointment of her/his successor.

2. Standing committees:  Trail boss, Assistant Trail boss, Publicity/ Communications,  Activities, Membership.
  The president (or vice president, in case of disability or when deemed necessary by the Board of Directors) shall be the executive official of all committees except the nominating committee.

      ARTICLE 11

The fiscal year of this organization shall begin April 1st and end March 31st of the following year.

        ARTICLE 12

  A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of the by-laws as a substitute for the existing by-laws and only by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the organization. The requirements for the adoption of a revised set of the by-laws shall be at a regular meeting by2/3 vote.

accepted 4/04
revised 4/05

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